Reading Homework R1:
Harris Corner Detector
Goal: learn Harris detector by yourself
Read supported materials in the corner detection tutorial page.
Write down your understanding and learning of Harris corner detector.
Report: create a web page to complete the following topics
Briefly describe the mathematics of Harris corner detector
Briefly describe the algorithmic procedure of Harris corner detector
Explain what are properties of scale invariance, rotational invariance and affine invariance, and explain why Harris detector has some properties but has no other properties.
Give the references in your reading report
Note about ChatGPT:
You can use ChatGPT to help you complete this report.
But you have to provide your chat history, which includes your prompt and ChatGPT's response.
The chat history can not be the whole content of the report. You still have to write a report that has logical contents.
If you use ChatGPT but you do not provide your chat history, then your report will be regarded as a cheat result and will be given a very bad score.